Many of the electronics projects on this website rely on the AVR microprocessor from Atmel Corporation as the central ‘brain’ which everything else is built around. In many cases, I have only touched the surface of how parts of it work. So in this section, you will find more general information of how the various technologies integral to the AVR microcontroller are used. Note: A lot of my descriptions refer to the older ATMEGA 168 as I have a bunch of these lying around, but these days the ATMEGA 328 has pretty much replaced it as the microcontroller of choice. The good news is that it is almost identical but with even more capabilities. [easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B00523G0AO” cloaking=”default” height=”28″ key=”wide-light” localization=”default” locale=”UK” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”tronic03-21″ width=”170″]